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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Otherwise_Sea_6578 on 2023-07-06 08:14:54+00:00.

So, I’ve been living in my apartment for the past two years and everything was going fine until around five months ago when a girl moved in next door. At first, I didn’t have any issues with her, but things started to change pretty quickly. Every other week, she would throw these loud parties with a bunch of people, mainly in the evening.

Normally, I wouldn’t mind people having fun and enjoying themselves, but here’s the catch: I work a night job, and the afternoon/evening is the only time I get to sleep. The walls in our building are quite thin, making it incredibly hard for me to sleep while she’s hosting these parties.

I tried talking to her about the noise issue multiple times, politely asking her to be quieter. To her credit, she made some effort to lower the volume after my requests, but it barely made any difference. I still couldn’t sleep properly, and this went on for the past five months.

I got fed up with her last week after I again asked her to turn it down but she just told me “that it wasn’t her problem”, this caused me to finally reach my breaking point and I decided to take matters into my own hands and ordered a large speaker, which I then used to blast music at full volume at 3 am. I admit, it was a pretty childish move on my part. I knew it would disturb her sleep, but I honestly felt like it was the only way to get my point across and make her understand what I was going through. She obviously confronted me about this but I simply responded that it “wasn’t my problem”.

Now, I’m left wondering if I was in the wrong here?