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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/BADSUMMER95 on 2023-07-06 14:10:37+00:00.

My sister recently became a new mom, and she’s been married for almost two years. We have a good relationship as siblings and friends, and I also get along well with her husband, despite not knowing him too well.

One morning, my sister and I were playing with her son on my bed, and I noticed how calm he became when she hugged him. We had a lighthearted conversation about cuddling, where she mentioned her husband’s concern about cuddling the baby too much would make him soft. I expressed my belief that cuddles make kids feel secure and happy and to not let her husband dictate cuddle rules. However, my sister unexpectedly snapped at me, feeling that I had insinuated something negative about her husband. I was taken aback because I thought we were having some banter. I knew her husband wasn’t serious about his comment! She then said she wishes she hadn’t discussed the topic with me. This is the third time she’s snapped at me during her visit for context. I normally apologise but this time I could tell she was triggered by my words and told me off?

I decided to take some time alone to think things through. Later, my sister confronted me about crossing a boundary by making that comment. I explained that I never intended to insult her husband or be rude, but rather, I wanted my nephew to feel loved. However, she insisted that I had crossed a line and accused me of not respecting other people’s boundaries while enforcing my own. She went as far as saying “you have no right to tell me what to do”. This made me so angry so in order to regain composure I simply said okay and asked her to leave my room.

Our conversation ended abruptly, and we didn’t speak for the rest of the day. The next day, I offered her a cup of coffee as a peace offering, as I believed she had misunderstood my intentions and reacted strongly. However, she expressed discomfort being at our house and left to house sit for a relative which made my mom cry. I don’t believe my comment was that offensive, and it seems like the situation has been blown out of proportion. I’m unsure if I am the one at fault here. AITA?