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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Ecstatic_Eye2807 on 2023-07-06 14:49:23+00:00.

To start I’ll say that my parents are already offering to chip in for her. They didn’t chip in for me even though they offered I rejected them as my husband payed for the entire thing. He’s very wealthy and so are his side of the family so it was a very big extravagant wedding. My sister was one of my bridesmaids and I payed for her bridesmaid dress and payed for everything. I spent hours organising my wedding and spent a lot of money and organisation to make it the best day ever. My sister helped with my hen weekend a little with organisation and not financially. My best friend and maid of honour helped me the most with everything.

Anyways my sister now is getting married and she wants my husband to pay for it. It’s £22000 that she wants us to pay for. We told her that that’s ridiculous and she should try to pay for her own wedding or get our parents help. She then got angry at me saying my wedding was 1000x more expensive and that I had the money and wasn’t being fair.

Her friends and her husband have been saying that we are snobby and treat them badly and won’t pay anything towards their wedding when my sister helped out ‘so much’ with mine. I’ve even gotten messages off some of her friends calling me an awful person. Someone even said that apparently she married her husband for the ‘right reasons’ and not for money which really upset me. I don’t know if there was anything I could do or if I’m in the wrong for refusing that.