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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/waterparktrip on 2023-07-06 14:17:06+00:00.

I (32f) and my husband (40m) have planned our first family vacation to a local water park in Florida where we live. My husband has a daughter from previous marriage and she is 11f and I have a daughter with him who is now 5. I have had a rocky relationship with his daughter as her mom told her her dad cheated on her with me which is NOT the case. Nobody cheated in anybody they just were better off apart. Still to this day nobody knows why she has told their daughter that but she has and we’ve been trying for years to tell her the truth but her mom is not budging, fine whatever. We planned our first family vacation for the 4 of us to go and stay in a hotel for the weekend and enjoy the water park which is in site to the hotel. Last week his daughter texted me a number of texts telling me I am so horrible and mean and have ruined her life and she hopes I die in a car accident and how she will never be nice to our daughter because she hates me and her dad. Again I’ve had it rough with his daughter but she’s 11 so I chalk it up to her being young a kid pretty much and I’ve let go a lot of the horrible berating things she has said to me. We went no contact for 7 weeks and it was honestly so nice not having to walk on eggshells around her. She has finally started to come back around and it’s the same as before. In her latest text she has been unbelievably horrible and mean and told me word for word “If you want to play the cutes game Well then we can play it like that because you. Know who is better at me 😘😘” because I told her I am done with her walking all over me and I will not be playing games. I have since blocked her. That was last Friday. Our vacation is booked for this weekend Friday-Sunday. This morning my husband calls me and tells me how his daughter is begging to go on vacation and I should just be mature and move on. I refused, said if you want her to go then the two of you should just go and I will take our daughter on a different vacation. He is now ignoring me and calling me immature telling me I’m letting a child ruin our vacation. I refuse to be trapped in a hotel room with her while she screams at me about how horrible I am and is mean to our daughter. Absolutely not. So I canceled the vacation and got the refund. I told my mom and she told me she is only 11 and I should act like the grown up. I am now confused and hurt. Am I really that mean to cancel the vacation? I mean the kid told me she I hope I would die and messaged the family Ipad we have that her and my daughter FaceTime on and told her she would never be nice to her again because she hates me. Sorry this is long and full of rambling but AITA?