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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/theonekl2244 on 2023-07-06 16:40:03+00:00.

K I need perspective. AITA?

Partner wants to go to this once a year show for his bday. We went last year and the year before. Usually it’s a big thing where a bunch of us go. This year it’ll just be him.

Originally his parents were going to join but they do crafts as a hobby and have a craft show that day so they have said they’re not going. Then, it was supposed to be both of us going. We hadn’t got tickets yet just talked about how we’d go.

Then I got asked to be a bridesmaid in one of my longest friends wedding on the same day as that show. My partner hasn’t really spent much time with them but he is invited to the wedding.

I said yes very excited to be her bridesmaid without putting the dates together and how I technically had plans beforehand even though we hadn’t bought the tickets yet.

Now my partner is pissed because he has to go alone, and I’m pissed because I make a ton of compromises for things that are important for him but it doesn’t seem to reciprocate when something is important to me. Plus, he had the option to come to the wedding but has decided not to. (Ps event is not on his actual bday)

Am I the asshole?

I’m pretty hurt because now it’s bringing up other issues like how I’m always game for the plans he makes and would definitely be willing to compromise if the tables were turned.

Not to mention this event happens every year. Yes only once but he can go next year and a wedding you can’t just attend the following year.

So now we’re in a big argument and I’d love some perspective. Thanks in advance.