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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/028_Holy on 2023-10-08 01:25:19.

While israel themselves stood by and watched while Armenian civilians were beheaded old men, woman didn’t matter. The azerbayjani military beheaded civilians in their own homes while others were applauding and laughing. This is recorded. Destruction of homes Churches even graves, assassinations, execution of civilians woman children elderly, kidnappings, etc all recorded on camera committed by azerbayjanis and their military.

Did israel say anything? The slightest condemnation? No, actually they delivered more and more weapons to azerbayjan and even helped azerbayjan with massive cyber terror against Armenia. Probably helped them with military advisors and wouldn’t be surprised if they had a hand in bringing over those syrian terrorists to help azerbayjanis kill Armenians.

But now they expect the whole world to go crazy over an attack by those israel themselves have build a prison around and bombed the living daylight out of? Now those are according to israel dangerous terrorists that wants to kill civilians and anybody that doesn’t stand with israel are a terrorist supporter, right?

What would israel say if somebody start to send them advanced weapons, support etc? They would go crazy and call you a nazi that have no right to live, that must be stopped at any cost.

Also have in mind azerbayjanis have massacered Armenians many times, even in Kharabakh, before 1990. These massacres have been happening for at least hundred years. Armenians of Kharabakh finally managed to resist and defend themselves and their historical lands. But israel is making sure that they also finally will be massacred.They have no problem with it. No terrorism in that right?

But now, when people they have kept prisioned for years, bombarded, inprisioned, kidnapped, deprived of food water and medicine (same tactics as aliyev) are making resistance and fighting back attacking them, then that is terrorism! That is cold blooded murderers that must be stopped at any price and the whole world should of course support israel.

NOW, that’s what I call a nasty hypocrite.

Btw, US is already (within 24h of the clashes starting) on the way sending massive aid package to israel. But Christian Armenians in Artsakh terrorized starved ethnically cleansed for months and months and months children woman elderly, infront of their eyes we got “The US urges both parties to end hostilities”.

And then you got these shamless pro west Armenians claiming the west loves Armenia and wants to save us from everything but it’s complicated… and Russia is bad. Trust me bro

Had to rant this off my chest 🤪