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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/ResponseAgitated673 on 2023-07-07 20:21:02+00:00.

My neighbors (no idea how many people in the house) and I both rent our houses, but we have different landlords. We have a shared patio space for our garden, and when I came around to view the property last year there was a fence splitting it in half, there is also a line in the concrete. When I moved in a few months later (I’m a student, they are not) the fence was gone, but I didn’t think much of it. It was winter, and no one really went to do anything in the garden.

Now it’s summer, the kids from next door are out playing football most of the days, across the entire garden - this would be fine, except for the fact that they’re constantly kicking the ball into my house’s walls (never their own) even hitting the windows fairly often. I’m seriously terrified that one of the windows is going to get smashed. I’ve tried talking to the kids to ask them to be more careful and they’ve just gone ‘Okay’ and continued right on. When I’ve tried to speak to any of the adults in the house, they tell me that they don’t understand, they don’t speak English, and I’m not sure what language they do speak so I can’t translate a note or anything.

I’m considering asking my landlord to put a fence back up, not only to protect my windows, but also so I could maybe sit outside and have some nice plant pots (I did have one outside but it kept getting knocked over) - but the kids wouldn’t really have anywhere to play because their side of the garden is filled with crap like old furniture and broken toys.

WIBTA if I put a fence up even though it means these kids can’t play outside in the garden?

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    I think you’re idea is a justified one. I would say put the fence up and explain to the landlord why. Make sure you tell them that way you don’t have to explain anything to him/her in the off chance something does go wrong. I’m also pretty sure the landlord would care more about protecting his property vs some kids playing. They can play somewhere else.