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Before the Grays there were the weirdos.

If you thought the grays and lizard people are weird, hold onto your seat. Before the 1980’s the beings reported by people were quite unique in nearly every case and very strange in many cases. I thought it would be educational for members of this sub to know just how varied and bizarre they were.

While the list below is not exhaustive, it serves to illustrate the wide variety of entities reported before the common gray/insectoid/lizard beings. Links to source material and/or videos is included, along with a concise description of each entity or entities.

Note: I do not advocate for the authenticity of every case listed. Some could be hoaxes, some not. But the salient point is to illustrate that there is a wide variety of manifestations of the phenomenon and how it changes over time.

The Menagerie

1940 - Boulder Mountain, Wyoming, USA
Dutch immigrant Udo Wartena, a miner in the remote mountains of Wyoming, encounters a UFO with two white-haired beings who appeared human and dressed in gray overalls and slippers. One being claimed to be 609 years old. The other claimed to be over 900 “of your years”. They claimed to know over 500 languages. Interestingly, the occupants claimed their power source was hydrogen extracted from water. This is an interesting read if you have the time.

1952 - Jesse Roestenberg, Staffordshire, UK
Two beautiful, golden-haired humanoid beings, inside a craft hovered over her home as she and her two boys watched. “they had long golden hair…just like the old kings” - Jesse Roestenberg

1952 - Braxton County, West Virginia, USA
The 10-foot tall Flatwoods Monster appeared as a robotic creature with large clawed hands, a head shaped like a spade, huge glowing yellow eyes and a body that tapered outward toward the bottom like a metallic dress. With a blood-red body and green face, the creature emitted a hissing sound and a foul odor.

1954 - Marius DeWilde, France
Witnessed two 3-foot tall stocky, humanoid beings wearing suits and clear glass helmets.

1955 - Kelly/Hopkinsville, Kentucky, USA
The Kelly/Hopkinsville Goblin Invasion. A group of family and friends (at least 8 witnesses) reported being terrorized by short, glowing goblin-like creatures with large ears and glowing eyes that floated and were impervious to shotgun blasts.

1957 - Antonio Villas-Boas, Brazil
One of the first reported abductions, was taken aboard a UFO by humanoids in suits with helmets and breathing apparatus. He was then coerced into having sexual relations with a beautiful but non-quite-human woman.

1961 - Joe Simonton, Eagle River, Wisconsin, USA
60-year-old Joe Simonton encounters a UFO just after breakfast landing in his yard. Three dark-skinned men he described as “Italian” who never spoke. One of the “Italians” was cooking on a sort of flameless grill and offered him what Joe described as “pancakes” that he described as flavorless. has a good writeup of the story as well, as usual.

1966 - Point Pleasant, West Virginia, USA
In the fall of 1966 over 100 witnesses reported seeing a 7-foot tall, winged, flying creature with hypnotic red eyes before the collapse of the Silver Bridge in December 1966. The film The Mothman Prophecies (based on the book by John Keel) is loosely based on the sightings. The film depicts the “woo” elements of the phenomenon very well.

1967 - Herbert Schirmer, Ashland, Nebraska, USA
Police Sargeant Herbert Schirmer, on patrol, was taken aboard a UFO by what appeared to be a human being although small in stature. The entity was about 5 feet tall, wearing a hooded, tight-fitting, gray uniform with black boots, belt and gloves. The entity’s head appeared abnormally large. The being wore a patch depicting a winged serpent.

1973 - Pascagoula, Mississippi, USA
42-year-old Charles Hixon and 19-year-old Calvin Parker, two blue-collar workers out fishing one evening, were abducted by 7-foot tall robotic creatures and taken aboard a craft. Described as having long pointy noses, spikes for ears and hands like crab claws.

1973 - Isle of Wight, UK
The Sandown Clown. Two children reported interacting with a strange, metallic, clown-like being in a “house” that disappeared when they left.

1974 - Carl Higdon, Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming, USA
Oil worker Carl Higdon, while out hunting for elk, is abducted by a strange humanoid with a missing left hand, a pike in place of it’s right hand and straw for hair. The being, called itself “Ausso One” had no chin and large buck teeth.

1975 - Travis Walton, Sitgreaves National Forest, Snowflake, Arizona, USA
Travis Walton is abducted by a UFO and reappears five days later. He reported encountering human-like beings aboard the craft

1976 - Dr Herbert Hopkins, Old Orchard Beach, Maine, USA 58-year-old psychologist and hypnotist, investigating the UFO experiences of David Stephens and Glenn Gray, is visited by a strange, almost robotic man in black who adjures him to destroy all of his tapes and records of his investigations of the Stephens incident.

1977 - Antonio La Rubia, Paciencia, Brazil
Abducted by robotic, floating beings with long tendrils for arms and a single post in place of legs and feet.

1979 - Robert Taylor, Dechmont Woods, Scotland
60-year-old forestry worker sees a landed UFO in the forest and is then attacked by large, spiked metal spheres knocking him down and tearing his pants. The spheres were dragging him towards the UFO when he lost consciousness.

1983 - Alfred Bartoo, Aldershot, Hampshire, UK
77-year-old Alfred Bartoo is taken aboard a craft while out fishing during the day. The occupants wore green overalls and helmets with blackened visors. After an examination under an amber light they said he could go because he was “too old and too infirm for our purposes”.

1987 - Ilkley Moor, UK
Retired police officer Philip Spencer, while walking from Ilkley to East Morton, encounters and photographs a 5-foot tall, green humanoid creature with long arms and then witnesses a silvery disk-shaped craft ascend up and out of sight. He experiences missing time during this.

1993 - Kadima, Israel
Multiple witnesses encounter 9-foot tall beings with large eyes traversing the country side.