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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/HopeStarMasacre on 2023-11-03 18:42:45.

just so everyones aware i DO have both ME and MCAS. just realised it might come across initially like i dont or mistakenly posted here.

i wanna die. this is it. mcas is ruining my quality of life. i cant even use the new waterpik i bought for bedside teeth cleaning without triggering an instant pounding migraine and a thump tha thump thump thump feeling in my chest with throat swelling and nerve pain. i reacted to my safety chicken last night after three nights ago my mother caused a humongous flare within me by not checking with me first before changing chicken brands and therefore putting me in unknown waters of possible light anaphylaxis. now im scared to eat food. im scared to go to the er where they’ll just ply me with contrast or tell me im manic crazy unstable insatiably insane. or god forbid give me a second covid infection.

im so over it. none of the mcas doctors in nyc are accepting new patients. i cant afford to see dr afrin or his associate at aim center upstate. everyone on facebook keeps telling me to see a functional medicine doctor but the only one in nyc who claims to treat mcas is a shill for his sublingual allergy drops; claims they’re a catch all cure all for every allergy and issue known to man. gives off rancid fucking vibes.

the ones that seem even halfway of a third trustworthy dont list MCAS as a symptom they advise on. and even then; im highly skeptical of alternatihe medicine doctors. but i dont know what to do. dr levine doesnt treat this. my long covid clinic has no idea what the fuck this is and just prescribes me supplements that trigger my mcas further. the er gives me iodine contrast which just aggros my already gated disease. im so hungry. i was only 93 pounds and now ive lost that. ive skipped my period last month. i cant eat. i cant tolerate too much salt. i cant sleep when im like this which makes my ME worse.


i cant do this anymore. theirs no treatment in this fucking world class grade a best in the medical industry city. i live in NEW YORK COTY and i cant even get some goddamn help. i stink of shit. i cant clean the plaque of my swelling gums and teeth. i can barely poop as my acid reflux rages on with a new inability to tolerate my antishitamines i had been taking for four months. thanks contrast. and now?? now i cant eat.

and no one will help me. im so done. this is hell of the highest order.