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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/zombom84 on 2023-07-07 23:22:10+00:00.

The other day I meet my Girlfriends family for the first time and had a beef burger for dinner.

For context I am a 22m my girlfriend 23f have been going out for a few months now and we decided that I would meet her family, We decided that we would go to an all you can eat restaurant in our area, we have eaten in this place so we know its good and I normally get a beef burger since she claims she’s not that religious and doesn’t mind, and when I asked her about it she says get what you want and gets a salad.

I asked her about when we are going to dinner with her family and if I need to have non-meat but she claims that they don’t mind me having meat so I said OK and left for a drive.

Yesterday I met he family and had a great time but when it came to ordering I got my usual and everyone gave me a glare and shamed me for ordering meat and that I know about her not eating meat and told me to leave and to be ashamed of myself.

When I got home my girlfriend said that we should take a break and packed up to leave, she I gone an hour and I don’t know what to do should I call he or leave her for a few days but I feel like a am being attacked but I’m not sure can somebody help me out.