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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/SimilarTreat1670 on 2023-07-08 08:04:41+00:00.

My dad (42m) picked me (15f) and my little sister (11f) up from our moms house today. I immediately noticed that has car was parked ON the sidewalk, and i said “hey dad why is your car parked on the sidewalk?”. He said “mind your business god.” I was a little hurt when he said that but just moved on.

When i got into the car it immediately smelt like alcohol. I looked at him and asked what the smell was. he said “dude it’s nothing what are you the cops?”

I just put my ear buds in and ignored him. when my dad started driving he was riding peoples asses, swerving into the wrong lanes, going 45mph over the speed limit, and we almost hit/got hit by SEVERAL cars. Then he started to tickle me and i kept telling him to focus on driving. (he didn’t.) he almost went drove off the road from tickling me 5 times. i started to worry when i pieced everything together. I couldn’t tell my sister because i didn’t want her to worry. so i texted my mom telling her everything my dad was doing. Then she called him later today yelling at him. my dad and stepmom think i should’ve been quiet because “he didn’t even drink that much”. but my mom was on my side

reddit aita?