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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/East_Performer806 on 2023-07-08 06:18:33+00:00.

I’m the mother of identical twin girls, Allison and Jade I’m also a fraternal twin. My girls are turning 10 in 3 weeks and I’m planning 3 separate patties on 3 separate days because the girls want to do something different.

Allison wants to go to see a cinema movie with her best friend. Jade has no interest and wants to go to the zoo, she’s also going to choose a friend to come along Allison is afraid of a lot of zoo animals, so it wouldn’t be fair to bring her.

In between the two days, we’re going to do a birthday party with family and cake. I don’t see this as a bad thing, the girls are getting older and have two separate personalities and interests. Both girls are pretty introverted and have limited but tight nit social circles, some are shared and some separate.

My parents and their older sister don’t think this is fair. The twins are essentially getting two parties each, whereas my eldest (19) only got one day to herself for her birthdays. She has a large social circle and always had big birthday parties before she became a teenager, which turned into shopping trips. My parents say the twins only have one birthday so it should only be celebrated once and agree with my daughter, that it seems like I’m playing favourites. AITA?

Edit - I forgot to add, my twin actually agrees with us on this. We never were allowed to do anything separately until we moved out of home. She agrees with me in this instance, and was actually very helpful when it came to to making this decision, as my parenting decisions towards the twins has been discussed amongst us since I first learned I was pregnant with them