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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Hot_Difficulty_8421 on 2023-07-08 07:58:29+00:00.

I (21m) took a few days off work to enjoy a relaxing weekend camping. I had just arrived at my campsite and was setting up my tent before the people at the site next to me (an older man and his wife) showed up with their massive camper. They proceeded to back it INCHES away from my tent, but since I decided to set it up right on the edge and since they were still technically on their site I didn’t say anything about it.

A little while later I was mostly set up and was grilling some burgers over the fire since it was getting close to dinner time. The woman comes over to my site and starts talking about how they could use a “strong young man” to help them set up their campsite. I politely declined, due to the fact that I was cooking and didn’t want to leave the burgers unattended.

She left in a huff, presumably to go tell her husband because a few minutes later he came over and started telling me about his back problems and how he can’t lift things like he used to. I replied that if they weren’t able to split the work between the two of them then maybe they should consider getting a cabin next time so there’s less to set up. (I admit this may have come off as a bit rude).

Later on as I was eating I decided to turn on the radio I had brought with me. I didn’t have it very loud at all as I was sitting right next to it but almost immediately the wife came over asking me to turn it down. I lowered the volume slightly but she still said it was too loud so I turned it off and went to go eat in my tent. I was pretty pissed off at this point.

I eventually decide to go to sleep, and wouldn’t you know it this lady’s tiny white crusty dog is yapping away at something. I peek out of my tent and there she is letting her dog shit on my campsite unattended. Of course she didn’t pick it up. Half an hour later the dog is still fucking barking (off leash might I add, which is against the rules) so I call the office with a noise complaint. Apparently I was not the first.

The next morning the man and his wife are packing up. As soon as he spots me he comes running over and cussing me out, saying I’m a dick for getting them kicked out of the campground. I told him all I did was make a noise complaint and maybe next time he should teach his dog to shut up. I then got in my car and drove off, only coming back when I was sure they were gone.

So AITA for getting them kicked out or was it deserved? Let me know because I’m honestly still pretty mad about the whole thing.