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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/No-Display4752 on 2023-07-08 13:18:25+00:00.

My (F20s) Husband (M20s) has long life pets from his childhood that moved in when we moved in together a few years ago, (Parrot, Tortoise,).

I do love pets and as these are my husband’s I never wanted to say “Get rid of the pets.” as I firmly believe a pet it for life, unless extreme circumstances. As these pets are “indoor” pets and “lower care” than a dog I figured we’d do care 50/50.

In 2020 I got a WFH job, so I’m around the pets all day, so they’re more attached to me and follow my commands a bit more as they know I spoil but to a limit. (bad behavior’s means you don’t get to hang out with Mom)

My husband on the other hand has figured I’m going to do the care 24/7. I never get a moment to myself, my days off are normally doing the deep cleaning of everyone in the house or running to get fresh food/ pet care items. He is off Tues/Wed, I’m off Wed/Thu, he’s gone all day Tues after waking up at noon and doesn’t return home until after midnight. Meanwhile I’m still working but handling everyone at home. I’ve told him to step up and he kind of brushes it off.

However on the rare occasion that I have a doctor’s appt (illness that runs in family, appt made months in advance) it’s a fight with my husband each time. I don’t like taking the pets off their schedule by much since it means they’re cranky and potty breaks become harder. I had an appt on Wens at 11 which is normally when the pets day starts, but I’ll need to be out the house by 9:30, husband had an interview at 1pm and states that I should just get everyone ready for the day when I get up.

I said no he needs to do it.

He said that the parrot always bites him and flies away, and the Tortoise just hunkers down when it’s time to put them up.

I explain they do it because they’re not use to him, and the bird bites me all the time and showed him my hand where the bird recently bit me. (hormones)

He told me I was being stubborn.

I told him to Deal with it, and after my appt I’m going shopping for myself, and getting lunch since I don’t go out much and since I’m downtown I’ll enjoy myself. Which I did, first me time in months.

He’s now upset and saying I costed him the interview.

AITA for this?