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The original was posted on /r/java by /u/bowbahdoe on 2023-11-04 19:10:13.

This is a bit of curiosity, a bit of digging for information.

I’ve seen it said in multiple forums that part of C#'s intrinsic advantages in the game development space are

  • Easy C++ interop

  • Value Types

  • (Obviously) Unity existing

Valhalla and the foreign memory apis should productively chip away at some of that, but does anyone have a good sense of what else is left?

Is it that the swing parts of java.desktop are hard to port? Should there be an effort to move off of the sound and image support in that module?

Is it that binding to platform APIs is/was too hard? Is it just that nobody has had the requisite motivation and funding? (hard to believe given Minecraft) Is there a property of the closed xbox/playstation/etc. ecosystems that makes it difficult?

I’m especially interested if anyone has actually been the one to go down that rabbit hole trying to port a GDX game or similar.

Is there any more fundamental ecosystem work that could help?