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The original was posted on /r/truscum by /u/Several_Bookkeeper32 on 2023-11-05 09:41:03.

throwaway because I don’t want said people to see this.

I have a friend (actually ex-boyfriend) who is a textbook tucute trans fem. They constantly talk about how they want to be a lesbian, how hot fictional women are, and how they want to be in a lesbian relationship with them. They don’t try to pass or talk about any dysphoria even when I mention mine. They also talk about using the ‘gender-neutral change rooms and bathrooms’ at school (really just the disabled ones) and they use the disabled ones out in public. This especially pisses me off because they are the only spaces I am allowed to use, as well as the only spaces I can use because of my disability.

My other friend is also a textbook tucute. Transmasc but presents as completely fem, has said he doesn’t have dysphoria and doesn’t try to pass even though he is out to family and has nothing stopping him. He also has a ‘nonbinary sibling’ who also presents completely fem, uses fem name and she/they pronouns.

my cousin is a nonbinary transfem but afab? I don’t understand it in the slightest. typical alt trans person, dresses completely fem, flexes about being trans, and is all round just.

all of them seem to think of being trans as some cool thing to do to be different and popular and not what it actually is, a serious medical condition. So many people hear that I am trans and think about people like them. Tucutes are seriously causing problems even when they say they aren’t