This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/godot by /u/Waldorf66 on 2023-11-05 16:46:49.

Hello all you GoDot peoples!

I was amused by this encounter with the Godot Editor this morning and thought I would share it with you all.

I work in Windows and typically leave my current project open 24/7 so I can goof around in it wherever I have a few minutes. When I got inline this morning my project was warning me about some of me scripts being “newer on disk”… but I never edit them outside the program… and all the files had been saved (no asterisks on their names). So I dismissed the window instead of making a selection from the buttons offered, classic avoidance move. There were three choices, but I don’t recall exactly what they were. Something like “Revert”, “Save Over” & “Scan”… but I just hit the top right corner to X out. I ran my game and then the window came back indicating I was gonna have to make a choice before the nagging would end… so I spent more than 3 seconds thinking about what would be the safest choice. Since I hadn’t actually made any changes, I figured “Save Over” would be best… whatever Windows or Godot thinks the changes were with my saved files on disk that could possibly make then newer… they were wrong, I trusted the saved files in my open session more.

Then it dawned on me… I guessing that since my computer automatically updated for Daylight Savings time, this created a disparity between the files in my Godot Editor and the ones on my Windows system… and had I done any work after 2am and then got this prompt and selected “revert” I might have lost work. Feels like there might be something that could be adjusted in Godot to account for OS Daylight Savings time adjustments… or perhaps this is Windows thing and I’ve never had an open app across the time switch before.

I don’t know… Daylight Savings time always messes with my head :/