This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/paymoneywubby by /u/mrgiantkriss on 2023-11-06 05:41:17.


I donated the next K Pop Legal Age video. It was number 2 on the queue. Right before Media Share started, it got pulled.

It makes sense based on Wubby’s reaction last Media Share.

There are 2 more videos left to upload.

Since there are people who like the videos, I’ll upload the last two videos week by week. That way those who want to play, see the Wubby references, and enjoy the chaos that K Pop can incur…

Unless something changes, that’s the plan.

Either way, thanks to the community for playing my wacky, divisive, and controversial game. Hope at the end of the day, I have given you guys something that was not only fun, but different from what you’ve seen on stream.

Thank you so much!

Enjoy the rest of today’s content.

Code “WUBBY” for GamerSupps.

Here’s the link to the video pulled