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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/meowmeow01119 on 2023-11-06 14:42:48.

AITA for not sharing pictures of my personal life with my coworkers. I want to keep my private life separate from my work life. I am a 23F. For some reason my question is not allowed on r/AITA

I am getting bullied at work because I refuse to show pictures of my vacations, cars, houses, apartment, cats, etc. It got really bad because one of my supervisors did not want to approve my PTO because I showed no proof of going on a vacation. I do not have anyone at work on social media, because I don’t use social media like that. They are all boomers and only use facebook. I don’t have facebook anymore because what self respecting gen z has facebook. They are all calling me unreasonable and just rude for not sharing my personal life out there.