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The original was posted on /r/nfl by /u/VagabondReborn on 2023-11-06 18:49:48.

Panthers received:

  • 2023 1st Overall Pick(Bryce Young)

Bears received:

  • WR DJ Moore (on pace for 1400 yards and 10 TDs this season)
  • 2023 pick No. 9
  • 2023 pick No. 61
  • 2024 First Round Pick (Projected #2)
  • 2025 Second Round Pick

Regardless of whether whether Bryce becomes worthy of a #1 selection, it’s hard to not look at what they gave up and the position they’re in and call it a horrible decision. Young has zero offensive help and is not put in a position to succeed and it will likely be much of the same next season. Years of bad offensive support can cripple the development of a quarterback. In addition the 1st rounder they gave up will likely yield a QB who is an even better prospect than Young was. The decisions to not trade Brian Burns for draft picks and to go Young over Stroud have only dug the hole deeper.