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The original was posted on /r/citiesskylines by /u/lizakk on 2023-11-28 16:53:20.

Well thats it for me, simulation at fastest level takes few seconds for one ingame minute.

But what was actually funny/sad: around 140k I noticed that whatever I do in my city, it doesn’t matter!

For example: before that it took me hours to try to fix traffic and I saw no difference. Just carousel of random traffic jams at random times I couldn’t make anything of.

So I decided to go on bulding spree and started to place random grids and fill them with colours according to demand. I took zero interest into planing roads or where services should be, placed everything randomly. After few hours i hit over 200k and… nothing.

Game just keeps on going. Sure theres a lot of icons which say something is wrong but that changes nothning. People keep on coming into my city, budget is well over 150 kk and going up.

As long as there is water, electricity and few hospitals and crematories placed randomly across the town the game plays itself.

Like what’s the point if I can’t fail?