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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/110293931 on 2023-07-10 14:17:22+00:00.
I kindly request your assistance in suggesting a phone for me. Unfortunately, the smartphone subreddit is currently private, so I am unable to seek advice there. If this post is deemed unsuitable for this subreddit, I kindly request that you remove it or notify me accordingly.
I currently own a redmi note 4, I’m considering upgrading my phone.
My requirements are:
- Unlocked for installing a custom OS
Important to me:
- 3.5mm headphone jack
Nice to haves:
- User serviceable battery
- Long Battery Life
- Decent Camera
- SD card slot (if the storage is extremely small)
Totally Unnecessary:
- Fancy/large screen, especially OLED/other related display tech, i don’t want burn in
- Fingerprint/facial recognition
Thank you kindly for your assistance.
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