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The original was posted on /r/squaredcircle by /u/wrestling678 on 2023-12-08 20:36:19.

Original Title: Bryan Danielson on Kenny Omega being absent from C2: I really wanted Kenny Omega in it and I don’t know. People think I do a lot more than I do. I don’t know what happened or why he’s not in the tournament. I know it was at least brought up to him.

Full quote:

I really wanted Kenny Omega in it and I don’t know. People think I do a lot more than I do. I don’t know what happened or why he’s not in the tournament. I know it was at least brought up to him and I don’t know if he didn’t want to do it or I know that he and Chris Jericho are the number one contenders for the Tag Team Championship. So maybe that’s why. Sometimes, with American TV wrestling, you don’t want to confuse stories, and maybe that’s why. But I love the field that we have, [because] we have so many great, hard-hitting wrestlers. The matches have been really, really good so far in the Continental Classic.
