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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/SavingsService2138 on 2023-07-11 21:44:06.
For me its Driven 2001,
A lot of people say its a terrible movie and i wanted to see it for myself
And what i got was a great drama, over the top yeah but filled with great characters. A lot of cliche characters who happens to be a lot more human and grounded that i expected them to be
Its rare i really feel for the characters in a movie and even a secondary character and his bitchy wife made me tearful
I don’t know, its just so rare to see characters in a movie acting like real people
And i think a lot of credit goes to Stallone, never liked his movies before but he has a real talent to write people in movies
I felt the same with Stayin Alive 1983, over the top yeah but the characters are well written imo
Hudson Hawk : a goofy comedie with Bruce Willis with a rotten review in the gutter.