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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/throwaway1337_acc on 2024-01-24 19:59:45.
So, in my job we need to track explicitly our effort and the time that we spent on which tasks. Each day must have at least 8 hours of recorded effort, and if there is not enough work or for some other reason you are not working productively the whole day, you’ll have a hard time to think about where to put your efforts. If you record less than 8 hours, your bonus for the quarter will be less (what a stupid rule, I know). If you don’t have enough work… that’s also your problem.
Lately, I took sick leave for some days as I was really not well. But after a few days, and as I had a bad feeling about letting the team down, I continued to work, even though I was sure that I could easily get another medical certificate to extend my paid sick leave. However, I was only able to work some of the hours and needed to rest/sleep the other half of the day (I was working from home). Remember the rule about time tracking? I didn’t know where to put the remaining hours and actually didn’t bother to invent something. The next day my boss commented with me why my time tracking is not filled correctly…
On the other hand, if you just report sick, you don’t need to worry about the time tracking as the whole day will not count. So I just decided to go the doctor on the next day and extended my sick leave for a few more days, without worrying now about where to put my hours. The company apparently prefers people to not work at all instead of only working half-days without correct time tracking. I don’t know how that makes sense from a business perspective, but its not my business.
TL;DR: The company enforces stupid time tracking policies where it’s more encouraged to take sick leave for the full day than working half days and not knowing where to register your effort.