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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/Saltpile123 on 2024-01-30 23:34:47.

Just started playing two weeks ago, got 30 hours so far.

We made a small starter-base with some lockers, your basic fabricators, some ice crushing for volatiles and oxite into gasses and a small greenhouse for our potato’s.

Having mined a lot in advance, it was now time to start building a ‘proper’ base, or at least learn how to do it. First, I wanted to work on the creating of materials, since we would be needing a lot of that. I looked up the best way to store ores and built some silos with a sorter network that would empty a mining belt/backpack into the different silos. Everything working so far.

Next step was to get an automated advanced furnace. So I looked up a guide online (for those interested) and followed it to the step. Having spend some time tediously laying cables, labelling and importing the provided code it was time to turn it all on. I turned the dial to the ingot I wanted to make, and … nothing happens. *Sh*t.*

So I start looking where it could’ve gone wrong. I check my device names, I check cabling. Then I wonder whether I have enough gasses for coolant and fuel. Hm, volatiles seems low, I smelt some more ice. Still nothing happens.

Then it must be the code. The workshop comments mentioned some problems every now and then with the code. I open the code and my mind drives into despair: how am I going to find something wrong in these ~500 lines of code having never seen this language before? Once again I check names and try to walk through the code as far as I understand (using my ‘normal’ programming experience). I come to the point where fuel should be pumped into the furnace. I check with the pump, and it turns out it is turned on, but its Volume is set to 0… Hm.

Then I remember that the pump is controlled based on readings from a pipe analyzer, but when I hover over it I do not see any readings. So I get to pick up a tablet with a network analyzer chip and I find that I still cannot read out the values of the analyzer.

Then my mouse hovers over the “On” button.