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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/england_man on 2024-02-05 19:59:48.

Europa, new base. Setting up main spaces, and made a quick greenhouse to get the plants going. Build a cooling setup, pipes go outside and leak a small bit of heat until I can set up the main area. The base is under a mountain, so I need to take the pipes through the entry area which isn’t sealed yet. I heated the greenhouse with a wall heater to get first plants going. I noticed I was loosing a bit of heat (the pipes conduction), and was in the middle of setting up the IC10 to control the heating / cooling and grow lights to balance things out.

Then I got some seeds and planted another potato. The heat generated by the plants and lost through the piping equalized and stuck at 24 Celsius.

I have played quite a few base builders and survival games, but this is the first time I’ve used potato based heating. Just wanted to share this.