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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/According-Sugar-520 on 2024-02-06 22:40:18.
I work in the finance department. Recently, some of the collection departments responsibilities have bled over into my department due to some staff changes. This means that now when people get collection letters, they come in to pay at our department directly now instead of the collections department.
Anyway, it is typical for people to come in acting like they have no idea what they owe or why they owe this much. I am getting pretty sick of people pretending they don’t know they owe money. We are a non-profit…we don’t even charge interest or late fees.
Today a male Karen was throwing a whole fit pretending he didn’t owe us 5k. He has a tantrum and demands a copy of every contract, payment, letter, etc…any correspondence that has ever taken place between our company and himself. So…I printed everything…
I MEAN EVERYTHING…probably half a reams worth of correspondence
and I placed a nice clean, crisp, duplicate copy of his collection letter on top.
I mean…he did ask for a copy of everything XD