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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/A-Truckers-Thoughts on 2024-02-07 00:00:37.
^ Link to original post ^
So after my original post many things have transpired.
My terminal is getting a new classification, which means more freight, more jobs, positions switching around, etc.
The bitch of a supervisor is transitioning to a night position because, “No one respects me.”
Well, if you weren’t such a pain in the ass maybe someone would.
When she announced this today she looked at me and flat out asked me, “Are you gonna miss me?”
My answer was short, simple, to the point, and in front of about 60 other employees, including my bosses boss: “Nope.”
She looked aghast. She looked surprised. When everyone burst out with laughter, she looked defeated.
I win bitch…and you lose.