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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/First-Hour on 2024-02-20 03:21:03.
My childhood was filled with a GBC, GBA, GB SP, Nintendo DS, DSI, PSP(my favorite handheld ever), and an iPod touch (honorable mention.)
I’ve been using my PS4, eventually my PS5, as my gaming device for a long time. It’s been great but it never scratches the itch and I’ve found myself burnt out of it.
I got an OLED recently. I set up Chiaki4Deck and Ive played through two different games with it. I spent 100 hours on P5R and now I’m playing Crisis Core Reunion.
The form factor if a handheld has really taken me back to a time we’re I enjoyed games more. Able to lay on my couch anyway I want and just play, it’s relaxing. Makes me miss my PSP a bit more but I’ve got emulators for that now.
Now I’ve bought some indie games I saw recommended here for only a few dollars a piece. I’m so stoked to play them. I’ve never been one to play many indie games but I’m ready for more. If you’ve got recommendations let me know. The steam sales are fucking amazing.
Games: Alan Wake, Inside, Journey, Limbo, To The Moon, What Remains of Edith Finch.