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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/PlayfulDifference198 on 2024-02-19 19:52:35.
Hi all.
I’ve made a custom UI layout for lotro that I think works pretty well for landscape / general play. I’m not much of a raider so I haven’t tried that.
Bind your ’ key to auto attack in game options. (my ’ key is to the left of my 1 key on a normal keyboard so it’s quite a convenient auto attack key).
You can access quick slots 1-8 across Ctrl, shift, alt which equals 32 accessible quick slots total.
Has camera pan, inventory, map, escape, jump, tab, mouse, left and right mouse buttons.
Anything missing, the right pad controls the mouse so you can just use that.
Works for me so thought I’d share it.
You can find it in the community layouts in game I think it’s the only one and it’s called “LOTRO Steam Deck” by zed1138. Please let me know if you can’t see it.
Enjoy and best wishes.
I play on 30fps capped at very high settings everything plays great.