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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/DavidJH316 on 2024-02-20 05:09:49.

I am an idiot. I have had steam for 6 or 7 years now and I only now realized this. If you go into your Steam Downloads settings, you can change the server that you are downloading games from. The thing I didn’t know is that the closest server to you isn’t always going to get you the fastest download speeds. If there are a lot of people connected to that server, speeds will go down. To speed up downloads, try connecting to other servers. I found that smaller cities in the US and China have the fastest speeds. I feel so dumb for realizing this just now. I switched my server and the speed of my download jumped up 400mb/s more than it was in my hometowns server. Don’t be like me, be better