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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/Ann0ying on 2024-02-20 08:03:19.

I’ve been playing the game for around a week now, and even though you can run it at 30 fps lock most of the time, it would still dip into low 20s (even lower sometimes) every other fight.

I stumbled upon a steam guide on improving the performance on PC, and decided to try it on the deck. Don’t get your hopes up, as it wouldn’t remove the stutter completely, but it will help you run the game at 40 more reliably (90% of the runs, I’d say), while looking even better during the runs, ship would look like a unity asset test though, be warned.

So here’s the guide itself, adjusted for the deck:

"Location in dolphin: /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/553850/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming/Arrowhead/Helldivers2

Open “user_settings.config” with Kate, or your text editor of choice.

The following should in theory improve performance.

Use CTRL + F to find these lines.

post_effects_enabled = true

particles_cast_shadows = true

sun_shadows = true

sun_flare_enabled = true

particles_local_lighting = true

wind_enabled = true

local_lights = true

particles_tessellation = true

color_grading_enabled = true

heathaze_enabled = true

particles_receive_shadows = true

lens_quality_enabled = true

far_scatter_enabled = true

Change all of the above to false.

Lighting may look washed out due to disabling local lights. Skip anything with lights in the name if that bothers you.

cubemap_resolution = [




Change 64 to 16.

sun_shadow_map_size = [




Change 1024 to 128.

Change 512 to 64.

These are non-important textures you can reduce the size of if you don’t mind blurry skyboxes and shadows. You can customize to your liking by continuing to half the size until desired.

So for a 512 texture you can use 256, 128, 64, 32 etc. The lowest I would go is 16, you won’t get much performance after that.

cubemap_lod_object_multiplier =

object_lod_quality =

speedtree_grass_shadow_lod_multiplier =

speedtree_shadow_lod_multiplier =

Change all to 0.

In basic terms, level of detail (LOD) decides how detailed textures should be displayed."

Settings I’m running at:

Game locked to 40 in steam overlay.

Native res, Quality downscale (yeah it looks like ass), V-sync off

Everything else is on lowest setting AA off.

I put Terrain quality, textures and draw distance on Medium.

What you can expect graphics-wise: 1, 2, 3 (not great, but it plays noticeably better, especially when facing hectic situations on higher difficulties)

Credits for the original guide goes to Peppr on Steam. Go ahead and give him a good rating/award his guide on steam.

For the Managed Democracy!