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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/PM_your_boobs_girls_ on 2024-02-23 00:29:30.

If I’m buying something that’s somewhat large in value (e.g. furniture, cookware, etc) I usually go to a site like raise or cardcash and buy second hand gift cards at a discount and use them immediately for my purchase, often scoring a discount of 5-10%, sometimes even more.

I also use this for smaller items I buy frequently like Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Uber, DoorDash etc, once again scoring a discount of a few percent. One word of advice is to avoid doing this with stores where you cannot transfer the value of the card to your own personal account. Most sites have at least a 30 day guarantee in gift cards which is more than enough time for me to transfer the balance to my account so that the original buyer cannot use it fraudulently.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I know that this is a Reddit repost bot, but just in case anyone on Lemmy sees this: The danger with following this advice is that a lot of these gift cards are scammed, so if you buy one that the company figures out was a scam you’re out of your money with no recourse. So this can save you money but risks losing you money.