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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Commercial_Compote35 on 2023-07-19 06:21:08.

So I saw a hack online where you turn your babies old onesies into a T-shirt & bib when they outgrow them by cutting them at the bottom. I (26F) thought it was genius so I did exactly that with my babies onesies that they recently outgrew… fast forward a few days later & my pregnant sister in law (35F) messages me on Instagram (I posted a story showing & informing others of the hack) … I’ll copy & paste her message “Hi there and also wtf!?? Why would you mutilate your babies old clothes instead of going to the store & buying new ones like a normal person? I know you didn’t grow up with family but traditionally someone with a baby with hand down the old clothes to the next family member in need??? You know I’m due in 6 weeks so how could you be so inconsiderate & just disregard me?? Forget about coming to the christening!!” …she’s right, I didn’t grow up with family, so maybe I’m in the wrong & this is an unspoken rule… but I don’t understand why she never mentioned this to me. I donated his earlier outgrown things to a second hand shop… her & her husband are very boujee so it never occurred to me they would want/need my sons hand me downs. Her husband even got a new car recently so I know they’re not struggling financially. I feel guilty but also a bit annoyed because I think she’s overreacting not wanting me at the christening. AITA???