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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/anonanonop on 2023-07-19 08:02:34.

Her sister and her sister’s boyfriend used to live with us because they were living out of a vehicle. They were meth addicts, but convinced us that they were trying to do their best to get back on their feet. They also had a gambling problem, but they said they swore it off. Her sister landed a job, and we gave her one of our vehicles to get to work and back.

One day we got a call that the vehicle was used in a robbery and wrecked. Sisters boyfriend fled the scene because he had a warrant.

They convinced us that wasn’t what happened at all, and we gave them an old car to use to get to work and back. On the day they’re supposed to pay rent, we wake up and the car is gone with no explanation. We drive all over trying to find them, but we find nothing. They’re not answering calls or messages. We put out an ATL on the vehicle and message them that the police are looking for them. Her sister’s job had been calling us non stop because she hadn’t showed up to work in over a week.

Magically they show back up the next day with a sob story that they went to a casino with the rent money to try to win double the amount so they can pay us for 2 months rent. They lost it all.

About a month later they got in a physical fight while my gf and I were gone at work. A neighbor heard the yelling and the cops showed up. I told them to never come back, and they tried to convince my gf that I “was getting in the way of family matters” and that she was a terrible sister because of it. But they left and stayed with a friend a few towns over.

Yesterday they call us and tell us that they had been kicked out “for no reason” and had been living on the streets for the past week, but had a few free nights staying at the casino. My gf heard the sob story and sent them $200 for hotel rooms.

This is not the first time they’ve done this stuff to us.

We talked about it, and she was convinced that they had changed and that this time was different. I packed up my stuff and left. I told her that I know the enabling cycle is about to begin again and I’m not losing my financial, mental, or emotional stability over it again.