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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Odd_Bar732 on 2023-07-19 03:36:43.

I 28M told my brother 35M to F off because he thinks I spoil my wife 24F to much. Here’s some back story: Me and my brother come from a comfortable family and it was pretty known that one day he’d take over the family firm. But that didn’t happen because my brother wanted to be an engineer so I stepped in to fill his spot, it wasn’t on purpose I just enjoyed the family business.

I also invested in a lot of things and have multiple streams of income. My wife comes from an unfortunate background so I like to fulfill a lot of her childhood dreams. I love to see her face when I take her new places and buy her new things. And I honestly think that what’s she deserves, she’s worked hard her whole life and I just wanna make the rest of her life easier. I don’t wanna burden her with things she’s dealt with as a child. And my wife also struggles with mental health and I treasure taking her on vacation or sending her on one so she can have a break from her mind.

Look I am obsessed with my wife okay. And I know sometimes I can go overboard but it’s a way of me expressing my love language. I send her flowers because she loves them, our wedding was wild flower themed. So last Sunday was our wedding Anniversary so yes I filled our house with wildflowers. Yes that seems dramatic but my wife loved it so I don’t care.

My family came over and made us dinner to celebrate our Anniversary. It was a great time I enjoyed sharing this with my family. Until I stepped away to talk with my brother. I will say we had a few drinks and yes we know how to put it down we’re Italian. We start having a civil conversation about our wives. It was fine until my brother said “You spoil your wife way to much my wife think it’s to compensate for a bad marriage.”

OF course I was pissed, and on all days he had to say it on my anniversary. I snapped, I told him to F off and if his wife and him think like this they’re no longer welcome in my home or around my wife. Him and his wife eventually left but not without a fight. My SIL shouted at my family saying “I don’t know we treat that outsider like family.” My mother was pissed probably more than my wife. And her comment I don’t know if it was racist(my wife is black) or classiest I’m starting to think a mixture of both.

But anyway AITA?