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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Hopeful_Assistance77 on 2023-07-19 15:24:04.

My fiancé and I have multiple rental properties in our hometown. We have rented to this single mother for the past three years with no issues. She is renting our two bedroom rental home with a front and backyard for less than what a one bedroom apartment goes for here. The issue is her new boyfriend. I don’t intervene in my renters lives but this is affecting my rental property at this point. In the past three months my neighbors have called the cops multiple times due to load parties that would last all night. Due to the noise complaints I have informed her that I will not be renewing her lease. My property management company told her five months ago that we will not be renewing her lease. This past week she has contacted the management company to try and negotiate to renew her lease stating that she can’t find anything in the area that is as cheap as what our rents are. I do feel bad for her as she has a preteen child but in the same respect I feel that she has done this to herself. She has been given multiple opportunities and has been asked nicely multiple times to be considerate to the neighbors but refuses to change. For this reason we have decided not to renew her lease.