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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/ineedatinylama on 2024-02-27 18:12:52.
My husband is a very skilled outdoor tech for a big communication Corp. He’s been there 34 years. He was doing some online saftey training in office. A 20- something inside engineer ( skippy) told him to go mop the bathroom floor.
My husband refused, stating not covered under his job title.
Skippy begged to differ, said the floor was muddy from the “outside pigs” boots, and he is management, so he can order people to do anything. ( not true of course).
Hubby got an idea, stated okay, he would go do it.
He went into the mechanic area, grabbed the power washer, put in lots of cleaner and hosed the bathroom down; ceiling to floor. Including the paper towel, toilet paper, magazines, and the crappy chair they stored in there.
(There is a floor drain, as this restroom is in the garage area. Skippy uses this bathroom as it is closest to his office.)
Husband went back to his online courses. Skippy went to the restroom and came howling at my husband about soap being everywhere, it was a huge mess, blah blah blah.
My husband replied Anything worth doing is worth doing right. If it’s not cleaned enough he’d be happy to put de- greaser into the power washer and clean it again.
Skippy had to answer to his 2nd level and is now refusing to speak to my husband.