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The original was posted on /r/guildwars2 by /u/DaddyToasty on 2024-03-02 13:12:09.

Harvest Temple Challenge Mode is one of the hardest encounters in the game, and we at Void Lounge want to make it as accessible to as many people as possible. From February 23-25 we ran a Progathon, which was a massive training event, designed for anybody to be able to jump in and try it out.

We were blown away from the number of people that got involved and want to thank the Guild Wars 2 community for being such an awesome one. There were even two players that managed to go from zero experience to killing the encounter within the weekend, and hundreds that reached new phases!

Just because the event is over, doesn’t mean that you can’t still get involved! We still have our lovely commanders leading progression runs daily, so come and try it out if you’re interested. You can find us at Discord.GG/VoidLounge.