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The original was posted on /r/gmecanada by /u/godkiller320 on 2024-03-13 13:56:28.

(sorry mods, remove if not allowed, not directly GME related)

Hello, I have a meeting with an MPP and a separate meeting with a legislative assistant this week regarding the Canadian financial system and the issues/flaws with it. I’ve listed some bullet points on what I’ll be discussing. I’m looking for more information/sources/issues that anyone would like to share with me that I can then report in these meetings. Thanks everyone!


  • investment banking vs commercial banking - hard split/regulation to better protect the system
  • anti-competitive practices
  • over-leveraged banks (50 times the balance sheets)
  • massive derivatives trading
  • shady balance sheet reporting
  • margin requirements
  • lack of transparency / length delays in reporting

Stock Market / exchanges

  • contract for difference for share purchasing by brokers and banks
  • 2-day settlement periods
  • high frequency trading
  • latency lag for algorithmic trading - anti-retail
  • retail protection
  • naked shorting
  • dark pools
  • insider trading
  • anti-competitive practices
  • lack of transparency / length delays in reporting