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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/Sad-Bluebird-5538 on 2023-07-21 01:25:59.

TL;DR: Can I connect my account to a third party mail administrator without surpassing 2FA.

I don’t know if this is the right post, however here I saw a post about at least the same topic.

So I just opened a new e-mail account on I heard a lot of good things so I thought I’d might want to try it and especially because I heard it’s meant to focus on security.

I enabled 2FA via “typical” OTP and it works accordingly in the Web-Browser.

Afterwards I wanted to use my e-mail in the mobile app fairemail and thus tried to link it. It didn’t work at first, but that was because of the enabled “extra security” where posteo doesn’t allow requests over IMAP or POP3. This means those apps won’t have excess, too.

I than deactivated it which lead to being able to connect, _however_ I did not get asked once about my 2FA. So I wondered: Will deactivating extra security also just nullify the whole purpose of 2FA, because you can “catch” the e-mails via IMAP/POP3 as an attacker?