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The original was posted on /r/pcmasterrace by /u/sboutig on 2024-03-20 03:54:59.

  • I got a brand new 4080 super.
  • The manufacturer mentioned that you need 3 dedicated PCIE cables
  • had 3 outputs but on 2 cables (cables were spliced)
  • no biggies, I’ll just order a new PSU with more PCIE outlets and a special plug for the 4080 (PCIE gen 5)
  • PSU arrives
  • unplugs a few cables, put them back, add a few.
  • put the computer back together
  • press the on button
  • hear a “paf” sound, see a spark, smell burned stuff.
  • turn off computer
  • try to turn on computer again
  • some fans are really acting weird
  • windows boot
  • look at file explorer: cannot see one of my drives
  • turn off computer and unplug it

Investigation: It seems that the only damaged parts (hard drive and fans) were hooked using the old PSU cables on the new PSU. While looking at it online, it seems that it is a big no no. I thought that if it fits, it should work - I guess I was wrong -

My questions to the sub:

  • Is my analysis correct (do NOT use old PSU cables on a new PSU)?
  • Does it mean that my motherboard and everything that was plugged using the new PSU cables should be fine?