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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/TechnicoloMonochrome on 2024-03-22 00:58:39.

I don’t know why but local anesthetics don’t work as well for me as they do everyone else. When I was a kid I would always feels some pain when getting a tooth filled, but I just assumed the injections were only supposed to numb it most of the way. Numerous times I had a dentist inject me enough times that they would just get to work anyway, I guess assuming I was just a kid who didn’t want his teeth drilled.

The resistance is seemingly random too, because I had my toe stitched up one time and it was fine. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it only kinda works. I’ve also had multiple instances of pain coming from the wrong place. For example, I had a broken tooth a few years ago on the bottom row, but I only ever felt it on the top.

Well, it turns out I should have tried harder to remember this, because my vasectomy ended up being one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced. Everything was fine until the doctor got to the vas deferns, but when he pulled on it I felt as though I was being disemboweled through my crotch. Not only did it hurt, but it was this strange deep kind of pain I’d never felt before. When it happened I jerked away and made it much worse. I ended up just toughing my way through it with my legs shaking like I’d run a marathon.

Luckily they’d given me some Valium beforehand so it wasn’t too traumatizing. I think if I’d have been clean and sober it would have left me with more damage. I’m just glad we live in a day and age where anesthetics and the rest of modern medicine are available to us. It wasn’t too long ago that every procedure was like that.

TL;DR anesthetic didn’t work as well as one would hope and I felt my parts being cut and pulled on.

Edit: I’m not a redhead. I’ve got dark brown hair.