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The original was posted on /r/weightroom by /u/black_mamba44 on 2024-03-22 16:44:10.

To start, you can purchase the program from I am aware Brian has videos out on how to run his programs and they are free but if you want to get the best results I will always preach you should purchase from him. If you’ve never ran a program of his, I highly recommend purchasing at least one so you can understand the concepts he pushes.

I’ve ran this program twice as of now, and found them effective each time. The first time I did it as a bridge between 4Horseman and CONJUGATE. This time, I ran it as a fatloss program; because of that, I will actually record weight.

    Start | Finish

Weight 235 (Highest) | 217 (Lowest)

Height 67" | 67"

Age 31 | 31

Beltless/Sleeveless Squat 315 | 335

Beltless/Strapless Deadlift 365 | 455

Widegrip Bench 295 | 315

OHP 175 | 175

Beltless/strapless 20 second Farmers March 135 | 225

Program Setup

The main modality of RPM is 10 minute EMOM’s(Every Minute On the Minute) using either (1) a percent of your main lifts for 3-6 reps or (2) a variation of a lift. I’ve ran both options, and they both have their merits. The percentages are kept relatively low (think 40% - 75%), and the reps also reflect that.

Some movements are thrown in and Brian makes sure to put alternative movements that can be done. An example: Farmers carries/marches or sandbag loads/extensions. This is super useful for people who are in a commercial gym that might not have certain pieces of equipment.

One thing that is a negative for the farmers marches specifically is Brian didn’t really say a time limit. Use your best judgement; I did 50ft = 20 seconds, 100ft = 30 seconds, 150ft = 40 seconds

Each movement pattern is done (2) times a week, which is great in my opinion. Since the load is less there are never times where it feels “unmanageable.”

This program isn’t done as a giant set format. You can add more to the workout if you want, but I personally find that in fat-loss phases it’s better for me to just do the work. As a bridge program I think you can add some more work as needed, but don’t feel beholden to that.

A huge pro to this program is my training never went past an hour. Even 50 minutes was sandbagging rest between movements to be honest.

Example Day W1D1 10 minute EMOM 3-4 Conventional Deadlifts @ 60-65% 1RM Remainder of minute to Rest, OR add Ab/Oblique exercise

10 minute EMOM 150 foot farmers carry @ 40-45% 1RM Remainder of minute to Rest, OR add 3-5 Burpees

  • If Carrying or Marching is Not Possible, replace w/favorite Deadlift or Row Variation but same reps(5-6) & intensity

10 minute EMOM 4-5 Strict Presses @ 50-55% 1RM Remainder of minute to Rest, OR add Ab/Oblique exercise

10 minute EMOM Odd Minutes: 3-5 Chest to Bar Chin-Ups OR 10-15 Inverted Rows Even Minutes: 5 Hanging Leg Raises Or knee Raises

Who Should Run It?

If you’re getting off a High Intensity Program, this might be the ticket to give your body a bit of a break before running something tough again. Don’t let the low(er) percentages fool you: you definitely get a ton of great work in, while also letting your body get some recovery it probably wouldn’t get otherwise. You’ll probably be shocked how a 10 minute EMOM of 6 reps at 50% will destroy you for that first week!

If you don’t have much time in your day to devote, this program is for you. The lower percentages made it so I never did a warm up and just went into the lifts. When I say 50 minutes MAX, I’m not exaggerating.

This is one of the more beginner friendly programs Brian has. Since it’s not in normal giant set format it’s easier to swallow for most people. Even if you’re not a beginner, if you’ve ever wanted to run a Brian Alsruhe program then I would jump into this. There is way less system shock compared to doing some of his more intense programs.

If you want to experiment with some new technique, I’d highly recommend running this program; I personally performed the last run without any equipment just to see how it felt. I also experimented with talon grip for squats, and wide grip bench to see how they feel. I’ll keep the talon grip, go back to my normal bench.

It is a “Fat Loss” program, so I would definitely recommend this for someone cutting/maintaining. I’ve also seen Brian Alsruhe mention cutting the program short at like 6 weeks if you do it as a bridge and I can definitely see that. After Wave 2 (the 6th week) the next 3 weeks (for wave 3) are starting to enter the higher percentage work. Near the end I was itching for heavier weight again; this is a great problem to have!