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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/AlarmingAffect0 on 2024-03-25 11:49:58.

Original Title: About FOSS tools that suffer from ‘developer UI’ which makes sense for devs but is clunky for users, I was wondering, how do we get the ergonomists, designers, and artists, to participate and make things ‘nicer’?

First thing that occurs to me is to have proprietary software on top of the FOSS, the equivalent of a ‘skin’ or a ‘quality of life mod’. Or maybe do like RHEL and sell support and training.

I dunno. A large part of FOSS seems built on devs fixing problems for themselves and sharing the fix with everyone instead of hoarding it because everyone benefits. But I don’t see how to get creative types involved without getting them paid, which is often a very pressing concern for them.