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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/LoganJFisher on 2024-03-30 21:56:09.

3 copies of your data

2 types of media

1 of the copies being off-site

I get the point of “3” and “1”, but I’m failing to understand what “2” actually does to help make my data safer.

Perhaps I’m misunderstanding what is meant by “2 types of media”, so let’s start there. What does that mean to you? I interpret that as meaning I shouldn’t have all copies on drives (e.g. HDD or SSD), but rather should diversify and have at least one copy also on a different form of data like a CD, flashdrive, or tape. Is that right? What’s the point of that? Why not instead just make the “1” off-site copy be offline too so there’s no risk of all copies being simultaneously erased or otherwise modified?