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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/AlgerElric on 2024-04-01 07:58:10.
I would never have thought I would have a personal entry in this subreddit since I’m mostly a lurker here but here goes.
My wife and I take turns in tutoring my son who just started school this school year. He is generally doing well in school but we still tutored him over the weekend to give him the impression that school is serious and that we were intent in him taking it seriously.
My son rarely pays attention whenerver we tutor him during the weekend as he just wants to play with his siblings (we have 3 kids and my son is the eldest, not really relevant with the story). And whenever he would pay attention, just stays silent whenever he doesn’t know answers to questions or would answer with the most soft voice he could muster (despite the fact that he was very loud and very talkative when playing or in general). I would often scold him for this and he still persists on doing this everytime (the not answering and answering softly thing).
On to his malicious complaince. My wife was tutoring him yesterday afternoon when during turtoring she could barely get and answer out of him or was answering very softly. My wife had had enough and finally scolded him for answering this way and asked him to answer loudly whenever someone would ask him a question. Anyone who is used to this subreddit probably knows by now where this story is going, this kid proceeded to scream all the answers to my wife’s questions for the rest of their tutor session. Where was I the whole time you ask? ROTFLing beside them at the fact that my son managed to pull this off. My wife couldn’t really do anything about it since I was the “strict” parent.
EDIT: I would like to clarify that this tutoring is only a review of the week’s lesson and would generally last from 10 to 20 minutes only. Also, what he did was not acting out but just being playful. This is why he was never reprimanded for what he did because we know he is like this. It wasn’t like full blown shouting or anything more like playful shouting. He is also a very vocal kid and whenerver he doesn’t like to review because he is tired or would prefer to play first he would tell us. We never force the issue because after all he is still too young and needs his space to play, sing, dance and interact with his siblings and friends (in fact we encourage him to do this more than the reviewing). Sadly it just needs to be done and the teacher sometimes asks us to do this so there’s that.
Also just read the definition of toddler and I might have referred to him as a toddler on comments my son is five 😁 my bad 😁