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The original was posted on /r/loveforboozecruisers by /u/dances_with_fentanyl on 2024-04-02 04:33:48.

Now drunk driving is actually, something that the elite class really fears because what is more american than drinking, and not drinking WHILE driving i’m just simply saying what is more american than drinking and than conversely utilizing the internal combustion engine to get from point a to point b, now you might even argue—i would never do this—but one might even argue, that a true exercise in american liberty and american SELF GOVERNANCE would be to trust oneself responsibly to consume a hypothetical amount of alcohol, and then hop behind the wheel of a hypothetical vehicle and then trust oneself to be able to do that, but unfortunately SOBERTARDS aren’t capable of actually doing this responsibly and so we all have to have the nannystate COME DOWN into our lives because some people can’t handle The responsibility of true liberty and true freedom