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The original was posted on /r/weightroom by /u/Amplified_Training on 2024-03-31 23:56:17.

Quick Version:

Pulled off a 606/275 deadlift at a recent meet, even though I wasn’t feeling my best.

Longer Version:

Training Lead-Up:

Leading into this meet I had been running my own conjugate program but then switched into a fairly generic 7 week peaking program I wrote for myself. The program served its purpose and got me ready for the big day, and truthfully, it’ll be one I wind up reusing.

Here’s the program, if anyone wants it:

Week Top Set Backoffs Paused Halting Deads
1 1x3 @ 75% 5x3 @ 65% 1x5 @ 65% 1x5 @ 65%
2 1x3 @ 80% 4x3 @ 65% 1x5 @ 65% 1x5 @ 65%
3 1x3 @ 85% 3x3 @ 65% 1x5 @ 65% 1x5 @ 70%
4 1x2 @ 87% 4x2 @ 70% 1x5 @ 70% 1x3 @ 75%
5 1x2 @ 90% 3x2 @ 73% 1x5 @ 73% 1x3 @ 73%
6 1x1 @ 95% 6x1 @ 75% 1x5 @ 75% 1x3 @ 75%
7 1x1 @ 85% (Deload) - - -
8 Max Out - - -

I ran it based off of my original target of 615 at the meet. In retrospect, I could have had 615.

If you want to run this program, consider adding 10-20lbs over your old max if you’ve been having a good training cycle but haven’t gone heavy. Otherwise use an e1RM from a recent RPE 8 single.

Week of the Meet:

So, quite candidly, I’ve been mentally nearing the end of my competitive time as I have other priorities right now and, honestly, I’ve had a string of mishaps every time I’ve tried to compete over the years.

There was getting hit by a car on my bike the week of a competition, then came the car accident the day before another competition, a family emergency before that, and then the last competition I was able to do, I wound up getting hurt due to some, let’s just call it “unfortunate setup choices” by the promoter.

Competition Day:

Went in with an “F it, we ball” mindset. Felt better as the day went on, warmups felt great. Was in the last group to lift, I set my opener lower than I would have, if I had gone into this meet at 100%.

  • Opener - 540/245: Easy lift, felt good, set the tone for the day.
  • 2nd - 567/257.5: Also felt easy. Played it safe, but in hindsight, could’ve pushed more.
  • 3rd - 606/275: Ended up wishing I had tried for more. The lift was smoother than I thought it would be.


It was too easy to give into what I felt like was my competition curse, but luckily my better half kept me from doing so and I was rewarded for my efforts with a new PR that moved better than my old one.

The plan now is to diet down for a while and enjoy my self-proclaimed “washed-up has been” era while maybe seeing about chasing down a pull of 622/282.5 in the future.